Monday, July 21, 2008

The 1/2 Marathon is mine.

So..."this is the day, your life will surely change...this is the day when things fall into place..." For those of you who are familiar with the band The The, these lyrics may seem familiar to you.

I signed up for the 1/2 Marathon today. The Detroit Free Press 1/2 Marathon. It is in October and I plan to be ready for it. I have been running pretty steady. My pace is getting better, my breathing better and my distance better. I am excited and can't wait for the race.

My friend Diane is also training for a 1/2 marathon in Atlanta. We are kind of training together, well keeping each other motivated from a far distance. It is nice to have someone who is going through the same thing. One day, we will meet somewhere and run one together, in the meantime, this works out just fine.

I ran 8.5 miles the other day in about an hour and 20 minutes. It was a milestone for me, but I hope to have many more and improve my time and distance.

Well, carry on with your day. I have to get to sleep so I can run tomorrow.

I can't wait to finish the 1/2 and collect my medal!